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Borderlands general protection fault

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#3 0xe02015be in snd_config_hook_load () from /usr/lib/ #1 0xf7845c5e in readdir () from /lib/ Thread 1 'Borderlands2' received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. I then attached gdb to Borderlands2 and got the following stack trace: Around here I tried recompiling libxcb as mentioned in but it didn't help so I undid the changes.

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This got me to the title screen where I could configure the game (including video settings, even), but when I hit 'NEW GAME' the game once again crashed with the same error. traps: Borderlands2 general protection fault ip:f78aa189 sp:ffc27a74 error:0 in libc-2.31.soĪfter finding this thread I was able to skip the start-up movie by adding the follow to the Steam launch options for the game: This allowed me to watch the Aspyr start-up movie, after which the game promptly crashed with the infamous: You can compile only 32bit libraries with new flags, that way only games (and only 32bit games) are using those libs.ĬFLAGS_x86='$/ /home/frostsnow/steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/amd64/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/'

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